Real Contact API verifies and grades phone numbers, emails, and addresses and delivers essential insights, including a phone activity score, line types, name matches for phone, email, and address, and phone and email contact grades.
URL Structure:[insert_key]&name=[insert_name]&phone=[insert_phone]&email=[insert_email]&ip_address=[insert_ip_address]&address.street_line_1=[insert_street_line_1]&[insert_city]&address.state_code=[insert_state_code]&address.postal_code=[insert_postal_code]&address.country_code=[insert_country_code]
name required | string The name of the person to search. Example: name=Jon Snow | | string The business name to search. Example: Golden Company |
phone required | string The phone provided by the lead on the web form. Example: phone=4259853735 |
string The email provided by the lead on the web form. Example: | |
ip_address | string The IP address from which the lead signed up on the web form. Example: ip_address= |
address.street_line_1 | string The first line of the street part in the structured address. (Cannot be longer than 1000 characters.) Example: address.street_line_1=100 Syrws St | | string The name of the city in the structured address. (Cannot be longer than 500 characters.) Example: |
address.state_code | string The state code of the structured address. (Cannot be longer than 100 characters.) Example: address.state_code=WA |
address.postal_code | string The postal code of the structured address. (Cannot be longer than 100 characters.) Example: address.postal_code=98264 |
address.country_code | string <ISO-3166-2> The ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code of the address. See: ISO-3166. (Cannot be longer than 100 characters.) Example: address.country_code=US |
Successful real contact response.
phone.is_valid | boolean or null True if the phone number is valid. |
phone.activity_score | integer Trestle's activity scores range from 0 to 100. A score of 100 means consistent activity in the last 12 months, and a score of 0 means a disconnected number or no activity has been seen in the past year. An activity score of 70 or above means there is a high confidence that the phone is connected, assigned to a subscriber, and someone has been taking calls consistently. An activity score of 30 or below means there is a high confidence that the phone is either disconnected or no one will answer the call when the number is dialed in. An activity score of 50 means Trestle doesn't have enough signals to predict whether the phone is connected or disconnected/inactive. If you want to filter leads based on the activity score, the following rules can be recommended:
phone.line_type | string or null The line type of the phone number.
phone.name_match | boolean or null A match/no match indicator whether the name provided on the lead form matches to the input phone number according to our database. A match is a positive indicator that verifies the lead is real and is who he/she says they are. |
phone.contact_grade | string An A-F grade determining the quality of the lead and whether it is contactable. A Grade-F lead is a bad lead and should be deprioritized while a Grade-A lead is real and contactable and should be prioritized. |
email.is_valid | boolean or null True if the email is valid. The real-time email deliverability check is not enabled by default. Contact to enable the flag. |
email.name_match | boolean or null A match/no match indicator whether the email provided on the lead form matches to the input email according to our database. A match is a positive indicator that verifies the lead is real and is who he/she says they are. |
email.contact_grade | string An A-F grade determining the quality of the lead and whether it is contactable. A Grade-F lead is a bad lead and should be deprioritized while a Grade-A lead is real and contactable and should be prioritized. |
address.is_valid | boolean or null True if the address is valid. |
address.name_match | boolean or null A match/no match indicator whether the address provided on the lead form matches to the input address according to our database. A match is a positive indicator that verifies the lead is real and is who he/she says they are. |
error | object |
warnings | Array of strings Warnings returned as part of the response, if applicable. The possible values include - |
Bad Request: Indicates that the server cannot process the request due to client-side errors.
Too Many Requests: API Key has exceeded its rate limit.
Internal Server Error: Indicates that the server encountered an unexpected error.
curl --location --request GET '' --header 'x-api-key: [insert_api_key]' --header 'Accept: application/json'
{- "phone.is_valid": true,
- "phone.activity_score": 57,
- "phone.line_type": "Mobile",
- "phone.name_match": true,
- "phone.contact_grade": "A",
- "email.is_valid": true,
- "email.name_match": true,
- "email.contact_grade": "B",
- "address.is_valid": true,
- "address.name_match": true,
- "error": { },
- "warnings": "Missing Input"